Special Tips for Pregnant Health


Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids

Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, is actually a type of varicose veins. And the veins around the rectum become swollen. During pregnancy, your body has more blood flowing in his veins. All the veins, especially in the uterus, should be expanded. Symptoms include itching, burning, pain and bleeding. Bleeding hemorrhoids is usually bright red, and is often seen as the toilet paper in a bowl. Whenever rectal bleeding checked out a doctor, even if you suspect it is due to hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids, I can avoid them?
For pregnant women, primarily responsible for the formation of hemorrhoids is constipation. Clavel, while evacuating puts even more pressure on already dilated veins. If you do not suffer from constipation, consult your health care team about an emollient. To avoid constipation, first:
* Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
* Follow a diet rich in fiber (bulk-forming agents such as Metamucil can help).
* Exercise regularly.
Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids
Kegel exercises
  • Tense muscles in the vaginal area and rectum.
  • Hold for 8-10 seconds, release and repeat several times.
  • Have more of these sets during the day.
  • You can do some Kegel 'anywhere (sitting on your desk, your car, waiting in the doctors office) and no one even noticed.
Kegel exercises are useful for two reasons. The first is that it increases blood flow to the rectum, which in turn helps to prevent hemorrhoids. Another is to strengthen the vaginal and anal muscles, which facilitates healing after delivery.

Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids
I have hemorrhoids, so how can I get rid of them?
At the same time continue to do everything above is used to prevent constipation, there are several other tips that will reduce and reduce discomfort.
  • Keep it clean: Keep the anal area as clean as possible. Wet wipes or hemorrhoid pads are more comfortable medicines of toilet paper.
  • Confirm: Avoid sitting or standing for long periods, which can cause pressure on hemorrhoids.
  • Let someone else do: Avoid heavy lifting or moderate.
  • Vaseline: Try Vaseline into the rectum to cool and ease bowel movements.
  • Try some ice: Sitting on an ice pack can bring some relief from the burning.
  • Use a bath seat: Sit in hot water enough to cover the piles, or in your bathtub or in a sitz bath that fits over the toilet.
  • Use cream or suppositories: Ask your health care team before trying any of the counter remedies that you can find a pharmacy. Show: medicine for hemorrhoids
If none of these remedies helps, your hemorrhoids worse, or there will be no bleeding, ask your health care team. Remember to hang in there, hemorrhoids will go away when you give!

Comments :

3 comments to “Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids”

siryoz0 said... on 

An informative corner indeed and I think by gathering enough we I am able to understand things that can aggravate this condition and how possibly we can manage hemroids.

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